Architectural design is not just about the design of houses, but a comprehensive discipline that uses architectural technology and language to embody science, humanities and art aesthetics.

At the same time, it is also about the balance between art and technology, aesthetics and function. We are concerned about the physical environment that is related to the project, and we are concerned about the impact of culture and climate on the environment. As a designer, it is our responsibility to create the building and environment that responds to the needs of our lives. Building for interior practical space should respond to the environment and has multiple functions, at the same time, it plays an important role in the balancing the external public places. Based on the understanding of the customers, we treat each project with a new perspective.

The Process

Design-project preparation in accordance with clients requirements

construction & renovation

The process of construction and renovation according to project

budget approval

Budget analysis, corrections and approval with the client


A full walk-through of the project with the client and the architect

Our Featured projects
Xinchuan Technology Park
Description The project is located at the northeast corner of Chengdu Xinchuan Industrial Park and...
Guangming High Sci & Tech Institute
Description The project is located in Shenzhen. The three-dimensional university campus is not only an effective...